Man of Board & Brain : Derrick Parker

Dr. Dubenstein


What a name – what a class: Dr. Dubenstein! Sounds strange and definitely, coupled with the comic-like cover he used to show in his artworks. Behind this we can find Derrick Parker from Washington D.C., who has been working as a studio technician for years and has worked with bands like Toots & The Maytals and Steel Pulse. With “Conspiracy Theory” & “Duga 3” he presented a spot on the DUB map. When it comes to mixing, where technical finesse is in the foreground there you can find Derrick Parker. Dr. Dubenstein is more in the tradition of elegant, sparingly dubbed and overall somehow Dub art. His selection work of lots voice samples and specially recorded text passages brings it to life a crazy universe with lots of conspiracies and aliens.